How does a flat image fit on a scope screen?

I had to calculate the dimensions of a flat DCP (1920x1080) on a scope (aspect ratio 2.39) cinema screen, and this is a perfect task for the aspect fit calculator.

How does an image (aspect) fit on a screen?

When you have an image with a certain aspect ratio (width/height), and you want to show it on a screen with a different aspect ratio, you have 2 simple options:

  • extend with black: show the full image, with black bars on the sides (‘pillar-box’) or top and bottom (‘letter-box’)
  • crop: crop the sides of top/bottom of the image, so it fits the screen

The new beats-per-minute calculator

The BPM (beats-per-minute) calculator was up for an update. The calculator is used to calculate the tempo and the duration of audio effects like delay and LFO.

Calculate DCP size from movie length and resolution

To calculate the estimated size of a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) for cinema projection, you need to consider the image size and movie length. The DCP size is primarily determined by the image data and audio tracks.

Calculate foot-lambert from screen size, projector lumen

In the projection business, there is a unit for ‘how much light is coming from that screen, actually?’. This is called the foot-Lambert or fL.

Video bitrate from image resolution and bit depth

To estimate the video bitrate based on image resolution and framerate, you can use the following formula:

Biggest EV car batteries

The following electric vehicles (EVs) have some of the largest battery capacities available on the market:

Mobile data bandwidth standards

The standards for bandwidth in mobile data vary depending on the generation of mobile network technology being used. Here are some common standards for bandwidth in mobile data:

Converting RGB colors into CMYK

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black) are two of the most popular color models used in digital and print media. While RGB is primarily used for displaying colors on screens, CMYK is used for printing. Therefore, if you’re designing a project for print, you’ll need to convert your RGB colors to CMYK. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to do just that.

Music scale generator

A second tool I made this weekend solves a problem I have been thinking about since my first Commodore 64, i.e. a loooong time ago: if an octave is a factor of 2 (A5 is double the frequency of A4), then how does one divide that interval in 12 semitones? I have learnt in the mean time that there are 2 major conventions: the equal tempered system (every semitone is the same interval: so = 2 ^ 1/12) or the just/pure intonation system, where intervals are chosen to match with simple fractions like 3/2 and 5/4.

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